All of the modulus of Reindeero are managed by the panel of management which has a limited access to the Administrator and part of the staff that the administrator gives access to.
Websites are the first interaction with the customers so we greatly appreciate the fact that the first presentation is memorable. We have designed the best user interface for our businesses customers so that this presentation brings more benefits
The “face” of the solution we offer, the client app is the closest to the customer base. It’s quick, free and easy to install through the App Store or Google Play.
Reindeero is a simple business solution, founded and developed by Almotech, a software house business providing B2B and B2C solutions. Reindeero comes as a solution after assessing various large business challenges and as a result, we created in the most simplistic fashion, focusing on time management, the accuracy of inventory tracking and redundant processes.
90% of the orders in our distribution system now come through using the online application. Through the platform developed by Almotech, it has become possible for us to manage large deliveries more efficiently.
I use the internet and our company websites all day long, every day, but I confess to not really understanding the “magic” that makes everything work. Luckily the guys that integrated us Reindeero not only understand the magic but they make it happen for us.
Now that we've seen how the scalability of Reindeero performs in terms of its ability to handle increased transaction volume and velocity, we're even more convinced it was the best solution for us to build on.
This unique flexibility with leading technology solutions assured me that we were servicing our customer needs with the best resources and tools available to us; with each integration chiefly focused on its respective expertise and functionality.
Everything on our list was marked off. Every ability we thought of could be accomplished through Reindeero.
In our entire eight years in business, we have never experienced such a high level of growth.